2007 Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics 2007展会论坛日程
The symposium schedule for 2007 Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics | |
10/30 上午 Morning 250人会议室 m19 | |
09:30-10:10 | 2009春夏面料趋势:女装、男装和休闲装 主讲人:Ms. Cinzia Gremmo 总裁 意大利Italtex公司 Topic: Fashion trends for fabrics for Spring/Summer 2009: womenswear, menswear and casualwear Speaker: Ms. Cinzia Gremmo, President Italtex (Italy) |
10:20-11:20 | 意国精品面料感官世界 主讲人:Ornella Bignami 女士 Topic: The senses of excellence Speaker: Ms. Ornella Bignami |
11:30-12:10 | VIFF 08/09秋冬女装及面料流行趋势 主讲人:杨胜男 国际纺织品流行趋势 责任编辑 中国纺织信息中心 Topic: 08/09 Autumn/Winter VIFF womenswear and fabric trends Speaker: Ms. Yang Shengnan Editor in charge of VIEW International Fashion & Fabrics China Textile Information Center |
10/30 下午 Afternoon 250人会议室 m19 | |
13:10-13:50 | 为什么美国运动消费者选择功能性的服装 主讲人:Mr. Roger Berrier 商业运营副总裁 仪化宇辉化纤公司 Topic: Why the US active consumer buys performance apparel Speaker: Mr. Roger Berrier, Vice President of Commercial Operations Yihua Unifi Fibre Industry Co. Ltd. |
14:00-14:40 | VIFF STYLE 08/09秋冬男装流行趋势解读 主讲人:王旭 《VIFF STYLE男装设计》主编 中国纺织信息中心 Topic: VIFF STYLE 08/09 Autumn/Winter menswear trends Speaker: Mr. Wang Xu, Editor in chief of VIFF STYLE MENSWEAR China Textile Information Center |
14:50-15:30 | 杜邦TM Sorona(R)----高性能与高度环保责任的双重承诺 主讲人:周进 杜邦Sorona(R)大中国区营销经理 黄天福 怡中(上海)有限公司执行副总经理 Topic: DuPontTMSorona(R) - High performance meets high responsibility Speaker: Mr. Jeff Zhou, Marketing Manger\Greater China, DuPont Sorona(R) Mr. Michael Huang, CEO of Chia Her Industrial (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. |
15:40-16:20 | 陶氏XLATM纤维产品介绍 主讲人:徐文燕 技术经理 陶氏纺织纤维业务部 Topic: Introduction of Dow XLATM Fiber Speaker: Ms. Carolyn Xu, Technical Manager DOW Fiber Solution |
10/31 上午 Morning 250人会议室 m19 | |
09:30-10:10 | 2008/9秋冬及2009春夏颜色与面料流行趋势 主讲人:葛德威 中国区经理 WGSN Topic: Autumn/Winter 2008/09 & Spring/Summer 2009 - Colours and textile directions Speaker: Mr. David Kurtz, China Country Manager WGSN |
10:20-11:20 | 兰精系列讲座 主讲人:兰精集团 Lenzing Botanic at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics Speaker: Lenzing |
11:30-12:10 | 兰精系列讲座 主讲人:兰精集团 Lenzing Botanic at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics Speaker: Lenzing |
10/31 上午 Afternoon 250人会议室 m19 | |
13:10-13:50 | 兰精系列讲座 主讲人:兰精集团 Lenzing Botanic at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics Speaker: Lenzing |
14:00-14:40 | 期待无水染色的时代 主讲人:于建明博士 福田实业有限公司 Topic: The era of water-free dyeing for textiles Speaker: Dr J.M. YU Fountain Set Ltd. |
14:50-15:30 | 08/09秋冬Promostyl灵感及色彩趋势 主讲人:Ms. Feriel Karoui 中国纺织信息中心海外顾问 Topic: 2008/09 Autumn/Winter Promostyl influence and colour trend Speaker: Feriel Karoui, Overseas Consultant China Textile Information Center |
15:40-16:20 | 如何克服欧盟纺织贸易技术壁垒 主讲人:黄海滨 德国海恩斯坦研究院中国区总经理 Topic: How to conquer the European textile technical trade barrier Speaker: Ms. Rachel Huang Country Manager of Hohenstein Institutes China |
10/31 上午 Morning 160人会议室 m16 | |
09:30-10:10 | 如何运用海关提单提升纺织品外贸竞争力 主讲人:Charlyne Chen 中纺网络顾问团专家 Topic: How to use customs lading bill to upgrade the competitive capacity of China's foreign textile trade Speaker: Charlyne Chen,Consultant China Textile Network Co., Ltd. |
10:20-11:00 | 2008/09秋冬中国纺织面料流行趋势 主讲人:中国纺织信息中心 Topic: 2008/09 Autumn/Winter “Fabrics China” trend Speaker: China Textile Information Center |
11:10-11:50 | 2008/09秋冬流行色展望 主讲人:Mr. Tod Schulman 中国纺织信息中心海外顾问 Topic: 2008/09 Autumn/Winter fashion colour trends Speaker: Mr. Tod Schulman, Overseas Consultant China Textile Information Center |
12:00-12:40 | 美国棉花公司2009春夏季流行趋势预测 主讲人:克莱尔·杜普维小姐 高级流行趋势预测分析师 美国棉花公司 Topic: Cotton Incorporated 2009 Spring/Summer fashion trends forecasting Speaker: Ms. Claire Dupuis, Senior Trend Analyst Cotton Incorporated |
10/31 下午 Afternoon 160人会议室 m16 | |
13:10-13:50 | 产业供应链中数字化颜色管理与沟通的解决方案 主讲人:CNCS项目海外合作顾问 中国纺织信息中心 Topic: Digital colour management & communication in global supply chains Speaker: CNCS Overseas Consultant, China Textile Information Center |
14:00-14:40 | 纺织商标的国际保护及境外注册所需注意的几点问题 主讲人:程伟 纪凯知识产权代理有限公司高级合伙人/专利商标律师 Topic: International protection and registration overseas of trademarks in the textile industry Speaker: Mr. David W. Cheng Senior Partner of Jeekai & Partners Ltd/Patent Attorney |
14:50-15:30 | 如何应对后配额时代的国际纺织贸易壁垒——解读REACH法规 主讲人:中国纺织工业协会国际贸易办公室 Topic: How to cope with the international trade barrier in textile and apparel after quotas are cancelled — Analysis of REACH Speaker: International Trade Office of China National Textile and Apparel Council |
15:40-16:20 | 纺织业国际贸易风险防范 主讲人:黄文 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会副秘书长 仲裁员 Topic: Prevention and resolution for international textile trade risks Speaker: Mr. Huang Wen Deputy Secretary General and Arbitrator of China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission, Shanghai Commission |