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Cross-strait Textile and Fiber Industries Make Agreements

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-08-24 14:43:06  来源:CTEI 收藏

Cross-strait Textile & Fiber Industries Cooperation and Communication Conference was hold in Taibei in August 10th, with the joint work of Taiwan Textile Research Institute and China National Textile & Apparel Council. The two sides signed seven agreements in this event, including the construction of communicatin platform, cooperation system, linking transnationals and layout globally, as well as promoting industry bussiness opportunities.

During the one-day conference, the two sides agreed to promote the R&D in technical textiles and function textiles, based on the complementary advantages; to meet the requirements on environment protection, energy-saving, low carbon production and other social responsibiliites, the two sides will promote the communication in technology, informaiton and product, as well as relative plans.

The Mainland has became the bigest import and export market, and investing market for Taiwan textile and apparel industry. According to the 2009 statistics from Taiwan, the import from mainland accounted for 34% of the total, or 740 million USD. While the export, including to Hong Kong, reached 3.3 billion USD, accounting for 36^. Up to the end of last year, Taiwan had approved 2378 investment cases to mainland in textile and apparel business, involving 2.7 billion USD, accounting for 50% of the total overseas investment in this industry.

About 350 industry professionals, experts, scholars and officials attended this conference, 270 from Taiwan and 80 from mainland. This conference is expected to hold in mainland next year. This event is one of the��Bridge��programs, supported by Taiwan economy department.

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文章关键词: Agreement  Cross-strait  Mainland  Taiwan 


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