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Jute exports to reclaim lost glory

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-08-24 16:41:06  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏

The Rs. 55 billion worth jute industry in India along-with a Government partnership is out to recapture its lost position in some of the world markets, and to further boost its exports from Rs. 8.8 billion, recorded during last fiscal.

As divulged by the National Jute Board authorities, the Board is likely to ink a co-branding contract with the jute producers, within a month’s time.

Name of each of the producers would be placed in the logo, besides the Indian Jute tag. Doing this would create a trust within customers, while making it possible for the manufacturers to directly reach the organized retailers.

The Board along with its creative teams is working to finalize the logo and to attach an attractive tagline to the same.

Jute exports during the 2009-10 fiscal, declined from 2008-09’s Rs. 11.5 billion to Rs. 8.8 billion.

The fall was mainly attributable to the global economic slump, and also for the reason that the country had to forgo some of its markets. Formerly, the country sizeably exported to East European countries, and now to perk up the same once again, the Board is sending delegations there.

The Board would also be concentrating on the Asian, African and American markets so as to promote country’s jute products there.

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