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Textile Industrial Added Value Grew 11.1% in July

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-08-27 14:15:51  来源:CTEI 收藏

The statistics-worthy enterprises (whose annul output beyond five million yuan) reported 13.4% growth of industrial added value in July, up 0.3 percentage than that in June. From Jan. to July, the industrial added value of statistics-worthy enterprises grew 17.0%, 0.6 percentage points lower than that of first half. By the category of industry, 39 industries kept positive growth in this month. The heavy industry grew 13.3%, while light industry up 13.5%.

Textile industrial added value grew 11.1% in July. That��s 1.2 percentage points higher from June. Chemical industry grew 13.7%, down 0.2 point from last month. From Jan. to July, textile industrial added value grew 11.6%. That��s 4.4 percentage points higher than that in first half. While chemical industry grew 17.6%, up 9.9 points year over year.

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