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A Rally Witnessed on Cotton Grey Fabric Price-Grey Fabric Market Express (Sep 6, 2010)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-06 13:32:43  来源:CCFGroup 收藏
Recently, sales of cotton grey fabric picks up, with price stopping sliding. Some cotton textile mills even revises up offer by 0.10yuan/mt. Price of some medium/high-count yarn products that had an obvious price decline, like fine cloth 90×88, cotton flat cloth, high density middy twill, poplin grey fabric and satin drill, ceases to dip and stabilizes, with some mills citing up offer. However, traded price has yet to follow up and “wait-and-see” sentiment is thick.

Comparatively speaking, medium/low-count yarn products like canvas and yarn knaki move off well. Cargoes from some mills are tight and price continues to be firm. Currently, price of cotton grey fabric rallies on the whole, with offer for fine cloth (true selvage) JC60S×JC60S 90×88 64" 1/1 at 6.20yuan/m, jet spun products at 6.60-6.80yuan/m, and satin drill JC80S×80S 165×105 67" 4/1 at 10.60-10.80yuan/m. Higher price of canvas C21S/2×10S 72×40 63" 1/1 is at 12.30yuan/m and higher price of cotton yarn knaki C16S×12S 108×56 63" 3/1 at 11.50yuan/m.

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文章关键词: Cotton Grey Fabric  Grey Fabric 


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