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Ordos Group creates global stature in cashmere products

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-06 15:40:23  来源:Fibre2fashion News Desk - China 收藏
The Ordos Group currently has total assets of more than 20 billion Yuan and more than 26,000 employees. In 2008, the Group realized sales income of 16.7 billion and export value of US $539 million, achieved profits of 2.46 billion Yuan.

After three decades of rolling development with sustained high profitability and large-scale industrial expansion at the beginning of the new century, Ordos has now entered the list of top 500 national key enterprises.

Ordos, which has a brand name by the name of ‘Erdos’ is considered the most valuable brand in the textile and apparel sector and the brand has been recently valued at 1506.7 billion Yuan.

Ordos has concentrated on cashmere products to take it to its preeminent position in the textile sector and as of date its production and marketing capacity of cashmere products has reached more than 10 million pieces.

Production of cashmere products now accounts for 40 percent of China's production and 30 percent of world output. Relying on strong brand resources, the Group continues development into the fields of high-end clothing and cashmere sweaters, men's, women's, underwear, leather, feather and home textiles.
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文章关键词: Ordos Group  cashmere product  cashmere 


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