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BASF Increases Prices for Polyurethane Products in Europe

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-07 10:37:05  来源:CCFGroup 收藏
With immediate effect, or as contract terms allow, BASF will be increasing its prices for MDI and polyols and polyurethane systems in Europe on average by 200 Euro per metric ton.

About BASF Polyurethanes

BASF is the leading supplier of Polyurethane Solutions for systems, specialties and PU basic products. With its global network of 38 polyurethane system houses and its comprehensive product and service portfolio, BASF is the preferred partner of its customers in many industries. The BASF brand “PU Solutions Elastogran” represents over 40 years of experience of the market and technology leadership for Polyurethane systems and specialty elastomers in Europe.

In the extremely service-oriented business of polyurethane systems and specialties, reliable PU experience and competence are crucial. Through its system house network, BASF provides fast local support, from technical service and sales to production and marketing during the development of customized solutions. With its world-scale plants, BASF secures its leading market position in the production of polyurethane basic products in all regions of the world.

Polyurethanes make life more comfortable, safer and more pleasant while helping to save energy sustainably. They contribute towards improved insulation of buildings and more attractive, lightweight design of cars. Producers of shoes, mattresses and household goods as well as sports equipment use the unique advantages of polyurethanes provided with the knowledge and expertise of the polyurethane experts of BASF world-wide.


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文章关键词: BASF  Price  Polyurethane Product  Europe 


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