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PP&PP Fiber Market Daily (Sep 7, 2010)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-08 08:22:10  来源:CCFGroup 收藏
CCF PP& PP Fiber Prices
Products Price (yuan/mt) Changes (yuan/mt)
PP T30S 10450 0
PP powder 10400 0
PP staple fiber 11800 0
PP elastic yarn 14100 0

Notwithstanding continuously easing crude oil, offers were firm on PP market. Today, offer for PP granule by traders maintained stable supported steady quotation by producers. As for PP powder, asking rate by producers kept steady in most cases, with some edging up a little. In Shandong, mainstream offer was at 10350-10550yuan/mt. Market players still adopted a “wait-and-see” stance. Liquidity was thin.

In North China, offer roughly kept flat, with some ticking up a little. Mainstream quotation for T30S was at 10400-10700yuan/mt. Today, offer on local market was largely firm except that on Beijing market inching up slightly. Inquiries were lukewarm and transactions were sluggish.

In East China, offer had little change, with that for T30S at 10700-10850yuan/mt. Traders maintained their offer despite of softening upstream market, supported by unchanged quotation cited by Sinopec and PetroChina. Traders had no intention of underselling also because of limited spots availability. Market players still kept to the sidelines. Trades were dull.

In South China, offer ruled stable, with mainstream quotation for T30S at 10600-10750yuan/mt. Traders’ mood was steady. Small discount was also available. Transactions were still lackluster.

PP filament yarn market was steady, with brisk transactions. Asking rate for elastic yarn 35D was at 15200yuan/mt while that for elastic 40D at 14600yuan/mt.

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