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Shaoxing: 30,000 Original Patterns Impressed Foreign Buyers

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-08 09:02:09  来源:CTEI 收藏

Shaoxing Fuquan Xiaoxuanchuang Company is in a rush hour recently. Its 400 sets of embroidery machines put into full operation to meet the demand of Russian customer. In its sample room, buyers from western countries are choosing the new products.It is unbelievable. So many products, and all original. It's just like a supermarket.

Accoring to the manager Qiu Agen, the increasing orders come from its original designs. In the past, Xiaochuanchuang received OEM orders like the other small manufacturers in this area. For a one-million-yuan order, the cost of labor, machinery, power and transportion took most of the share. The profit was only 20,000-30,000 yuan.

Only with its orginal product could the company have the right to set the price.Xiaoxuanchuang made some reforms such as hiring desingers from Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing to open a design center, and new encouraging policy to connect the design with order. Now, there are almost 100 new embroidery products available in one month. The original patterns accumulated to 30,000 pieces. To ensure its quality, the company also carrys out the internal restructure and builds eight features workshops to respond to specialized product.

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文章关键词: Shaoxing  Original Pattern  Design 


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