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China Textile City Fabrics Sourcing Center Branch Open in Italy

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-08 09:04:56  来源:CTEI 收藏

The news of China Textile City Fabrics Sourcing Center openning branch in Italy attracted merchants' attention. Some companies expressed their intent of cooperation. Zhongjin Guofu Beijing Investment Consluting Company is one of them. Peng Funan, the president of Soucing Center sent the relative documents to Zhongjin Guofu.

China Textile City Fabrics Sourcing Center is an innovative fabrics sales platform, comprising the functions of textile display, trade, information and communication. Through the international fabrics sourcing site, the online and offline sales connect together. This center is working hard to explore the international and domestic trade, and attract more fine fabrics suppliers to set down. It established cooperation with textile associations and chambers of commerce in home and abroad to form a trans national fabrics sourcing network.

The innovative sales model is supported by Zhejiang Bureau of Commerce and meet the demand for"going abroad"strategy in this province. Its Italian branch could get the financial aid of several millions yuan per year from the government.

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文章关键词: Fabric  China  Textile City  Fabrics Sourcing Center  Branch  Italy 


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