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Yifeng Chemical Fiber Kicks Over Technology Upgrading Program

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-09 08:54:04  来源:CTEI 收藏

Yifeng Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. a subsidiary of Tiansheng Group put all its 12 lines into full production in the melt spinning workshp. The 20 D/72F super fine FDY yarn came out round the clock. The one-billion-yuan investment 200,000-ton-output per year melt spining diffiential fiber program won so many orders since the beginning.

"There are only five such production lines in the whole nation, which could produce two different fibers at the same time in one machine. We have the largest one and own the unbeatable energy-saving level."Ma Guolin, the vice general manager of Tiansheng Textile Group said. The upgraded machinery could not only improve the product quality, but also save cost valued 25 million yuan per year and enhace profit about 80%.

The requirement for fiber from international fabrics buyers is as fine as possible. In this first half, Yifeng imported a set of advanced TMT spinning machinery and winding machinery from Japan and established 12 production lines to produce super fine FDY. As the specifications improved, the cost also grew. Therefore, the company adopted energy-saving technology for the upgrading program. With the cooperation with an institute in Beijing, the production efficiency improved 300% in its auto loading and packaging.

Hong Biao, the general manager of Yifeng said the super fine fiber has a wide application, not only for warp kintting home textile, but also for auto interior and aviation. The company's strategy is to beomce a high-end raw material supplier for global textile industry.

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文章关键词: Yifeng Chemical  Technology  Chemical Fiber 


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