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Mill Improvement Program by Bureau Veritas(Hong Kong)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-09 09:07:05  来源:Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services 收藏
The textile and apparel market is an increasingly competitive industry where reducing production costs, improving product quality, reducing time to market and maximizing productivity are the keys to survival. Having good process and production controls and recognizing in-house test facilities at the mill level can go a long to addressing many of these concerns.

With tens of thousands of mills worldwide, Bureau Veritas’ newly launched Mill Improvement Program helps manage and mitigate risks for apparel buyers, sellers, manufacturers and mills at the earliest stage; helping to prevent poor quality, unsafe or non-compliant fabrics being shipped.

Critically, their solution also enables mills with testing facilities to perform their own in-house performance testing instead of outsourcing to a third party. The working conditions element also helps protect against the constant media speculation associated with social compliance.

Brian Whitters, Global Supply Chain Risk Management Product Line Leader at Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services states, “In today’s cost, quality and safety conscious market, our clients are seeing increasing demand to partner their supply chain and demonstrate they are sourcing responsibly.

Our Mill Improvement Program helps facilitate a partnership within the supply chain promoting the value of continual improvement and trust. Our laboratory endorsement & assessment program module helps build the capability within a mill’s laboratory allowing them to perform their own in-house testing.

Our quality improvement / process control module developed specifically for mills covering spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing and printing will help protect poor quality or unsafe fabrics being shipped whilst the social improvement / working conditions module helps improve social conditions within the mills.”

The Mill Improvement Program is available in all major production centers worldwide including China, India and Turkey and will be enhanced further in the forthcoming months with an environmental module covering waste, water and energy usage and reduction, a core element of the sustainability agenda.
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文章关键词: Bureau Veritas  Mill Improvement  textile  apparel 


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