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Hangzhou Hangding Nylon orders PA-6 plant

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-09 09:32:14  来源:Uhde Inventa-Fischer 收藏
Uhde Inventa-Fischer and Hangzhou Hangding Nylon Tech. Co., Ltd., a company under Sanding Holding Group, Zhejiang Province, P.R. China, signed a contract for the delivery of a PA-6 polymerization plant to produce textile grade chips, based on Uhde Inventa-Fischer’s technology.

The new plant with an annual capacity of 47,000 metric tons will produce High Performance Polyamide-6 (HPPA) textile grade quality chips for Hangding’s modern high-speed spinning plants.

This technology improves not only the rate of yield of the raw material caprolactam, but also optimizes the yield increase in the FDY and POY spinning process as well as in the subsequent down-stream processing.

The plant with Uhde Inventa-Fischer’s proven state of the art polymerization process will be essentially emissions-free. This very modern plant operates and uses a combination of energy-saving measures. It will produce a first-class HPPA textile product at minimum operating costs.

Start-up of the plant is planned before Chinese New Year 2012.

Uhde Inventa-Fischer’s scope of supply and services includes the licence, the basic and detail engineering, the supply of all proprietary and key equipment as well as the supervision of the erection and commissioning activities including the training of the operating personnel at plant site.

Uhde Inventa-Fischer is a subsidiary of Uhde GmbH. Uhde is a company in the Technologies segment of the ThyssenKrupp Group and has a workforce of more than 4,400 employees worldwide. The company's activities focus on the design and construction of chemical and industrial plants.
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