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ECFA with China to bring benefits for textile sector(Taiwan)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-09 09:51:22  来源:CHH 收藏
According to report from Taiwan's "China Times", after the signing of ECFA between China and Taiwan, Taiwan authorities actively promotes the gold 10-year economic development vision in accordance with demand of traditional industries, as well as listens to voices and views from Taiwan industries. Ma Ying-jeou, Shih Yen-hsiang of Taiwan Minister of Economy and representatives from Taiwan authorities, Textile Federation, Textile Promotion Commission, Shoes Technology Center held an information discussion with 50 textile managers at Kaohsiung County on September 4.

The theme of the conference is “Taiwan strides forward to create gold 10 years”, Ma Ying-jeou made an outset at the forum that the first purpose after the signing of ECFA is to “let people do business and enhance Taiwan's competitiveness." Intellectual property protection for industries and Early Harvested List are the first step for Taiwan authorities to execute urgently, especially 6 months after the signing, Taiwan authorities would see to it that Taiwan people gain maximum benefits. Ma Ying-jeou did not forget to promote sales of products made in Taiwan (MIT), he particularly mentioned that he took part in Fengshan MIT exhibition and bought MIT underwear, now he was wearing MIT at this conference. Participating industrial people gave him warm applause.

Shih of Taiwan "Minister of Economy" said, after the signing of ECFA, Taiwan GDP growth would be 54.9 billion Yuan (NT, the same below), manufacturing output would increase 190 billion Yuan, employment will increase by 6 million, annual savings of tariff would be 29.5 billion Yuan. ECFA would bring real benefits and contributions to Taiwan's economic growth.

The early harvested list amounts US $13.83 billion. Of which, textiles form 136 items, accounting for 25 percent of the list. Tariffs will reduce to 5 percent on January 1 next year, and then reduce to zero the year after; it will increase the competitiveness of Taiwan's textile industry.
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文章关键词: ECFA  Taiwan 


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