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Post expansion, Petro Rabigh to eye India & China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-10 10:22:19  来源:Fibre2fashion News Desk 收藏
Saudi Aramco stated in a report that, its subsidiary Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Co (Petro Rabigh) complex in Saudi Arabia is undergoing expansion at present and that post expansion it would be concentrating on the rapidly budding Chinese and Indian markets .

The parent company said that, Petro Rabigh would market its products through Europe and Asia, while mainly focusing on converging the needs of the dynamically budding markets in India and China.

State-run Saudi Aramco and Japan's Sumitomo Chemical jointly own Petro Rabigh. The Petro Rabigh complex at present embraces within itself, a ethane cracker with capacity of 1.3m tonne per year, a high density PE (HDPE) line with 300,000 tonne capacity per year, a 600,000 tonne per year linear low density PE (LLDPE) facility, a 700,000 tonne per year polypropylene (PP) plant and a 600,000 tonne per year monoethylene glycol (MEG) plant.

The subsidiary would produce 2.5 million tons of ethylene and propylene-based derivatives each year, while it undergoes its second phase of expansion. Also the subsidiary would de-bottleneck its ethane cracker at its refinery facility which is already in place, to produce an extra 300,000 tonnes of ethylene each year.

The Petro Rabigh complex comprises a high-olefins-yield fluid catalytic cracker complex integrated with a world-scale ethane-based cracker which is designed to churn out about 1.3 million tons of ethylene and 900,000 tonnes of propylene, each year.
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文章关键词: Petro Rabigh  Post expansion  India  China 


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