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American Textile Company Announces Expansion

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-10 13:47:23  来源:Textile World 收藏
American Textile Company today announced significant expansion of its operations with the opening of an office in Davidson, North Carolina and several new appointments in its Product Development, Marketing, and Sales departments.

The opening of a new office further strengthens American Textile Company's ability to support its growth initiatives by leveraging national industry talent. "We're continuing to build a team of experienced individuals, who combine leadership, industry knowledge and a record of proven results. Together, these talented professionals will address our customers' needs and help guide the Company's continued growth," said Blake Ruttenberg, American Textile Company EVP, Sales and Marketing.

Product Development New Appointments:
Jane Fischer, Vice President, Product Development, brings over 20 years of industry experience in product development. Fischer will be responsible for setting strategy and direction for the product development team.

Noreen O'Reilly, Director, Product Development, brings over 20 years of industry experience in product development. O'Reilly will be responsible for the development, marketing and management of all new product introductions.

Shannon Hughes, Sr. Product Technical Manager, brings over 15 years of industry experience in product innovation and engineering. Hughes will be responsible for providing technical direction for the development and design of new products and product specifications for the entire portfolio.

Marketing New Appointments:
Mette Odom, Vice President, Marketing, brings over 20 years of industry experience in marketing. Odom will be responsible for setting strategy and direction for the marketing department.

Monica Bush, Marketing Communications Manager, brings over 10 years of experience in marketing communications for various industries.  Bush will be responsible for overseeing brand development and communications for Aller-Ease, Rest Right, and all future licensing and brand initiatives.

Sales New Appointment:
David Templeton, National Account Manager, brings over 18 years of industry experience in sales and merchandising. Templeton will be responsible for managing and growing key retail accounts across the United States.

"We are pleased to add these individuals to our team and look forward to the many contributions that they will make to American Textile Company. Their passion for excellence will elevate our products and our company to the next level," stated Ruttenberg.

About American Textile Company 
American Textile Company is a leading supplier of quality mattress and pillow protectors, bed pillows and mattress pads that improve the quality of sleep. Brands include Aller-Ease®, designed for asthma and allergy sufferers; Rest Right™, high performance bedding solutions; DermaTherapy®, for people with sensitive skin or chronic skin problems; and Cool Sensations™, bedding constructed with innovative fabric technology that manages the discomfort associated with night sweats. Products are available at large and small retailers across the United States and Canada.
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