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Event to promote PurCotton brand in Shenzhen

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-13 08:21:04  来源:Winner Medical Group Inc 收藏
Winner Medical Group Inc., a leading manufacturer of medical dressings, medical disposables and non-woven PurCotton materials for the medical and consumer products industries in China, announced that a successful promotional event was recently held by Winner Medical and U.S. Cotton Incorporated (or "Cotton Inc.") to promote PurCotton brand in a high footprint shopping mall in Shenzhen.

Winner Medical led this promotional event and Cotton Inc. offered capital support to launch and promote the brands of PurCotton and Natural. Shenzhen PurCotton Technology Ltd. is the only Chinese company to be awarded the Natural brand which is a global, well-known trademark owned by Cotton Inc. and implies green, natural and eco-friendly.

Cotton Inc. is a U.S. non-profit organization whose mission is to increase the demand for and profitability of cotton and cotton textile products in the world through market information, technical services, advertising, fashion forecasts and retail promotions.

The event's focus was "Cotton & Health-Change, For Better Life". Jianquan Li, CEO and Chairman of Winner Medical gave a presentation to explain the environmental protection and healthiness of cotton with the objective of demonstrating to consumers how they can use medical grade 100% cotton non-woven PurCotton products to improve living standards. Bei Lin, an Officer of Cotton Inc. in Shanghai, emphasized in his presentation that cotton is natural, renewable, recyclable, sustainable, and safe for the environment.

The well attended event included free gifts to participants and target customers, a modeling show, and special product incentives in conjunction with its goal to educate consumers on new product applications and the advantages of cotton. The event provided further opportunity to increase attention and build PurCotton brand awareness and adoption.
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