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Performance Fibers to expand in China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-14 08:19:10  来源:Performance Fibers 收藏
Performance Fibers, a leading global supplier of industrial fibers, announced that it will expand its polyester fiber and fabric capacity in Kaiping, China to meet continued strong demand from China and the rest of the world. The increased capacity will double the company’s polyester production and expand its geographic reach over the next 12 to 18 months.

The new capacity will produce and convert the latest generations of polyester fibers for tire reinforcement and other industrial uses.

“This latest expansion supports our strategic commitment to supply polyester fiber and fabric to our customers worldwide,” said Richard C. Brown, chief executive officer. “Our global footprint, combined with our leading technology and innovative products, has positioned us to meet the needs of our customers and their markets wherever they are located around the world. We continue to see significant growth potential in the marketplace and Performance Fibers is moving aggressively to meet that demand.”

Performance Fibers was the first supplier of high modulus, low shrinkage (HMLS) polyester products to enter China almost two decades ago. The company is one of the world’s leading producers of industrial polyester fibers and fabrics with manufacturing operations in North America, Europe and Asia.

Performance Fibers is a leading global supplier of high-tenacity polyester fibers and fabrics, Nylon-6, engineered fabrics, sewing thread fibers and advanced materials. With manufacturing facilities in North America, Asia and Europe, its products are used in a wide range of consumer and industrial applications.
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文章关键词: Performance Fibers  polyester  fiber  fabric  China 


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