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Jossy Jo eliminates counterfeits with Jawasoft & UPM

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-14 08:27:43  来源:UPM Raflatac 收藏
Jossy Jo, a Beijing-based high-grade fashion brand, is one of the first apparel companies in China to have implemented a large-scale, item-level RFID solution. The complete RFID solution from Jawasoft China and UPM Raflatac provides Jossy Jo with valuably accurate real-time data concerning its logistics operations and streamlines cooperation between Jossy Jo and its franchisees.

The solution is also an efficient brand protection tool, helping prevent counterfeit products from reaching stores. Jossy Jo currently utilises more than two million ShortDipole RFID tags a year from UPM Raflatac to track and trace their garments.

The RFID implementation covers Jossy Jo’s operations comprehensively, starting from production planning where production tasks are generated and assigned to specific plants. RFID labels are accordingly sent to each production plant and attached to every garment during the production phase. For quality control this means a significant boost, as any faulty garments can be effortlessly traced back to the point of production where the root cause of problems can be examined and resolved.

In terms of logistic efficiency, Jossy Jo reports an impressive 40% improvement since the RFID implementation. Easy traceability also streamlines cooperation between Jossy Jo and its distributors and agents as the accurate and readily available real-time information leaves little room for interpretation.

Another feature typical of the apparel business, seasonal sales, are also easier to manage thanks to RFID. The modified sales price information is included in the tags, and data concerning actual sales is always available in real time without any additional manual work.

In the fight against counterfeit products, Jossy Jo has made significant gains with the RFID implementation. Thus far, the company reports that it has been able to eliminate product forgery which has previously accounted for three percent of annual sales. “Counterfeit products are a major issue in the apparel business and product forgery causes many brands to suffer considerable losses. An item-level RFID solution is a powerful means of dealing with this issue,” says Edward Lu, Sales and Marketing Director, Asia, RFID, UPM Raflatac.

Jawasoft China is a leading RFID system integrator for logistics solutions with a focus on manufacturing and retail processes.

Chinese fashion brand with exquisite style. Jossy Jo gives traditional down clothing new fashion ideas. The company offers an advanced management mode, perfect production, fine craftsmanship and dedicated service.
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文章关键词: Jossy Jo  UPM  RFID  Jawasoft 


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