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Compression sportswear brand Skins partners with Li-Nang

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-14 08:30:23  来源:Fibre2fashion News Desk - India 收藏
By launching an official partnership with China's largest sports brand ‘Li-Nang’, an Australian sportswear concept ‘Skins’ pioneered the entry of compression sportswear brands into China. This partnership will deliver "Li-Ning Skins", an engineered gradient compression sportswear, to the Chinese market.

China's most successful sportsman and Li-Ning's chairman, Mr. Li Ning and Australian Trade Commissioner, Mr. Jane Wallis marked their presence during the launch.

Li-Nang products are available in over 7500 stores across China which will ensure the proper introduction and distribution of brand in the region, said, Mr. Jaimie Fuller, CEO of Skins.

He stated that joining forces with Li-Nang, which is China’s biggest national sports brand and has extensive resources and experience in sports industry, is an ideal step to penetrate Chinese market.

Such a partnership will prove helpful for Li-Ning-sponsored Chinese athletes to gain competitive stance on international platform with extra power and superiority.

Further Mr. Fuller said that the Australian sportswear concept foresees huge success of this cooperation with Li-Ning's top position among Chinese brands and number two status in overall revenue of country’s sports market that generates approximately $10 billion.

The authoritative Australian Physiotherapy Association has promoted Skins items, and is used by the worlds, elite sport physiologists, squads, teams and individual athletes.
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文章关键词: Li-Nang  Skins  sportswear  Australian 


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