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Exports of wool oddments to China at stake

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-14 08:32:53  来源:Fibre2fashion News Desk - India 收藏
The Chinese authorities recently destroyed a small shipment from Australia which allegedly was found infected with sheep faeces, skin and flesh, and has now placed the country’s oddment wool trade with China at risk.

The Australian Embassy and even the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service have been notified that six consignments forwarded during the period from March to July 2010, were found to be contaminated while checking at the Shanghai port, and have been destroyed.

China apparently has notified that it would either send back or destroy future raw wool consignments if found to be infected, and may even defer trade with some of the exporters.
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文章关键词: wool oddment  Australia  Export  China 


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