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Fujian Septwolves goes live with Oracle Retail Planning

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-15 09:45:32  来源:Oracle Corporation 收藏
Fujian Septwolves, one of China's largest apparel retail and manufacturing companies, has implemented Oracle Retail planning applications to create an integrated retail platform to effectively support its rapid growth plan across domestic and international markets.

Fujian Septwolves operates a network of over 3,000 stores primarily manufacturing and selling clothing brand with various styles,including "Business," "Leisure," "International Designer," "Jeans," "Women's Wear" and "Children's Wear."

The deployment of Oracle Retail Merchandise Financial Planning and Oracle Retail Assortment Planning, part of Oracle Retail's Fashion Planning solution suite, are helping Fujian Septwolves to better manage planning and product lifecycle strategies across its multi-faceted business.

Building on Oracle Retail Release 13, the Oracle Retail applications are supporting more accurate pre-season planning of sales, margin and inventory investments, through in-season management of assortment and price, to clearance of merchandise and promotions at the end of the season.

As one of the biggest apparel retailers, the integrated workflow offers particular advantages in helping Fujian Septwolves to quickly adjust current and future assortments to reflect multiple influencing factors, including recent trends and demand predictions, with a view to maximising sales and increasing customer satisfaction.

With better visibility into seasonal trends and market demand, Septwolves is now able to provide its key distributors with value-added services including ordering advice, inventory management suggestion, and pricing guidance, and thereby increase the sell-thru and profitability of both Septwolves and its distributors.

Septwolves was impressed with the level of engagement and support that Oracle committed to the relationship. The rapid deployment model and the proven functionality is helping Septwolves establish a consistent best-practice approach to planning activities and providing valuable insight based on accurate data and consumer demand.

The rich functionality of the Oracle Retail applications, combined with its wholesale capabilities, and experience in supporting retailers through rapid expansion, were key factors in the decision to select Oracle in 2008.

"The integrated capabilities of the Oracle Retail applications are providing a more holistic view of planning activities," said Duncan Angove, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Oracle Retail. "This is helping Fujian Septwolves to better execute financial planning, buying and assortment decisions to support its multi-strategy expansion of organic growth, diversification and further development of existing channels."
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文章关键词: Septwolves  Oracle  Retail 


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