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PTA Market Daily (Sep 13, 2010)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-15 13:39:51  来源:Chinatexnet 收藏

PTA------%BC%DB%B8%F1%D0%D0%C7%E9----1.html" target=_blank>PTA Spot

   ·Traded price of offshore spot goods: $895/mt (Korea origin)
   ·Traded price of offshore spot goods: $905-910/mt (Taiwan origin)
   ·Traded price of spot goods in RMB market: 7470-7500yuan/mt by cash, on deck
   ·PTA offer-take index: 3.0


Weekly opening, by the PTA futures rebounded late downstream buyers to "Double" in materials demand-driven, stock market stable and slightly push up the morning after the market opening offer to the seller within the disk Spot 7500yuan/mt, buyers wait and see once the main , but then the buyer inquiry began, in particular, is part of the polyester business also involved in the inquiries, the spot delivery of quality disc in 7450yuan/mt in the afternoon three single spot in the 7500yuan/mt price to reach the mainstream are 7470-7500yuan/mt in. Outer disc, the afternoons are produced in the mainstream of cargo traded stock level discussions within the $905-910/mt range, good sailing and port supply low-cost sellers remained reluctant, of course, part of the general cargo sellers this price range still offer , a single spot in the $910/mt clients tends to reach a deal within the price. Heard of a Thai middle spot in the $880/mt in the vicinity of transactions. Korea Stock Price produced $900/mt, closing at $895-897/mt level near the vicinity of a single cargo has arrived in the $897/mt transactions.


JiangSu and Zhejiang Polyester production and marketing to maintain, and most can barely make flat or slightly over, 150% higher or more individual, local low 7-8 percent; Polyester continued pattern of stable and up slightly.


Short-term market volatility pattern will remain. But the next period of time, many buyers polyester enterprises to participate in part of the supplier's annual customer conference, together with the late Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day Double the impact of the recent polyester business in the spot market, there are still some of the access plate movements Spot atmosphere still makes the basic maintenance of the current, relatively short term bias stability outside the premise, the spot will not rule out the possibility of continued modest rebound, but the space and scope should be limited.

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