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26th IAF World Apparel Convention in October (Hong Kong)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-16 08:21:07  来源:International Apparel Federation 收藏
Prominent speakers from renowned international fashion companies have agreed to give there opinion to important industry-related questions and topics at the 26th IAF (International Apparel Federation) World Apparel Convention to be held in Hong Kong on October 5th – 7th, 2010.

The central theme of this years convention is “How retailer brands, internet and green manufacturing are transforming the fashion business.” Four plenary session related to the main theme will take place during the convention:

• Fashion in the digital age
• Is fast fashion killing fashion?
• Fashion and the digital supply chain
• Fashion and green manufacturing

Is Fast Fashion Killing Fashion?
The fashion sector has been hit by the global financial upheaval, albeit with a certain delay. Revenue growth has stagnated and in many cases companies and brands have experienced a decrease in sales.

What is exactly the impact of the economic crisis on high fashion and premium brands?
What are the trends in clothing consumption per market segment/geographical area?

These are just a few subjects that prominent speakers from all over the world will talk about and share their views. Are you interested in new business models in the fashion Industry? Then the IAF convention is your place to be!

Leading industry speakers involved in this session include Arvind Singhal, moderator (Technopak, India), Micheal Tien (chairman G2000, Hong Kong), Senol Sankaya (ceo Yesim Textile, Turkey), Robin Anson (managing director Textiles intelligence, UK), Anthony Keung (President and ceo Fenix Group Holdings Ltd.) B.S. Nagesh (vice-chairman Stopper's Shop), Dr. Marc Schumacher (Director Retai, Franchise & and international marketing Tom Tailor, Germany).
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