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Policy measures have helped T&C exports expand – MoC

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-16 08:31:21  来源:Fibre2fashion News Desk - China 收藏
Minister of Commerce, Chen Deming said that, China’s imports and exports have shown encouragingly positive growth this year. He expects that annual imports and exports will be close to US $2.2 trillion, a decline of about 16 percent year on year.

He says that China should improve and stabilize policy measures for external demand in 2010, accelerate structural adjustment and development of foreign trade pattern, expand product imports for domestic demand, promote service exports of focus areas, in order to achieve “ maintaining market share, adjusting structure and promoting balance” in foreign trade.

Chen Deming informed that, the business environment will face extremely complex situations in domestic as well as international markets in 2010. The domestic economic recovery has maintained good trend and has been consolidated, but meanwhile, the recovery also faces more pressures from structural adjustment.

The Ministry of Commerce has implemented a series of policies to stabilize exports in 2010, which have brought benefits to textile and garment export business. However, it is undeniable that the trend of future exports will be products with proprietary intellectual property rights, independent brands and high-tech, high value-added products, while traditional "two highs and one resource " products (high energy consumption, high pollution and resource products) will be increasingly subjected to anti-dumping measures and recalls in international market.

Therefore, enterprises should make full use of SME support policies from the state, make efforts to change the existing mode of production, strengthen development efforts on intellectual property rights, independent brands and high-tech, high value-added products. Only in this way, China’s exports can march on continuously, he concluded by saying.
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文章关键词: Policy  T&C  Chen Deming  import  export 


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