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ShanghaiTex to start in June 2011

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-16 08:44:41  来源:ShanghaiTex 2011 收藏
The International Exhibition on Textile Industry (ShanghaiTex) is the most historical and professional exhibition of the kind in China and possesses its unique national brand. With the resources of international buyers accumulated many years, high quality supplier and also the great publicity and promotion, ShanghaiTex has always been concerned by the textile industry and participated by textile machinery exhibitors.

The Organizers will fully utilize 8 halls in Shanghai New International Expo Center in ShanghaiTex 2011 during June 14-17, expecting an exhibition area of over 100,000sqm and the participation of 1,000 exhibitors. Theme zones will be established for visitors' convenience as follows: Knitting & Hosiery Machinery Zone, Printing, Dyeing & Finishing Machinery Zone, Textile Chemicals Zone, Spinning, Nonwoven & Techtextile Machinery Zone, Weaving Machinery Zone and Spare Parts & Accessories Zone.

Global economy has been reviving from the global financial crisis since 2008. Chinese textile industry has been recovering at the fastest pace. According to the reports from both national statistic bureau and customs, the fixed asset investment in textile industry was up to RMB13.12 billions in the 1st quarter of 2010, equivalent to a 20.7% increase over last year.

The total export amount has reached 15.21 billions, equivalent to a 26.6% increase over last year. In the mean time, the domestic market has thrived despite the global financial crisis, with countless high-end brands from both domestic and international seizing the opportunity in Chinese market.

ShanghaiTex 2009 attracted many exhibitors and buyers even if it was in the global financial crisis and it reached RMB100 million in the on-spot reserved sales on the first two days of the exhibition. ShanghaiTex 2009 attracted 49,348 visitors and buyers from 40 countries and regions, while the quality and professionalism of visitors are highly appreciated by exhibitors.

ShanghaiTex 2011 is sponsored by Shanghai Textile Holding (Group) Corporation, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai Sub-council and China Chamber of International Commerce, and is organized by Shanghai International Exhibition Co Ltd. Shanghai Textile Technology Service &Exhibition Center and Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd.
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