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Cotton Inc’s analysts travel worldwide to create trend forecasts (USA)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-17 08:27:55  来源:Cotton Incorporated 收藏
Meet Cotton Incorporated's Product Trend Analysts, who travel the world in search of the latest trends to create innovative forecasts for a wide range of clients.

It's my job to be my client's eyes and ears to everything that's going on in fashion around the world," says Lauren Deatherage, one of 6 Product Trend Analysts at Cotton Incorporated. "We show our clients the best ways to use cotton -- and the newest ways to use cotton," Deatherage adds.

The six month process to complete a trend forecast involves extensive travel, where the analysts take home samples of new, innovative fabrics, take pictures of trendsetting locals on the street, and immerse themselves in the culture around them. In New York, they research a wide range of subjects, from politics to the environment, all of which can have an effect on fashion trends.

All that information goes into the forecasts, which are done anywhere from 18 to 24 months ahead of selling season, in a process that takes about 6 months to complete. The completed trends are then presented to clients around the world, who look to incorporate the forecasted colors, fabrics, or silhouettes into designs for their consumers.

"When you're trying to decipher consumer trends, you have to be a sponge -- you have to soak up everything around you," says Deatherage. "Ultimately, you want your clients to be inspired by something they've never seen before."
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文章关键词: Cotton  trend forecast  analyst 


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