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Torrential rains caused by Typhoon Fanapi leads to shut down of major petrochemical complexes in Kaohsiung (TaiWan)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-21 09:57:59  来源:Plastemart 收藏
Typhoon Fanapi, the first major storm to strike Taiwan this year, had dumped 1120-1140 mm of rain in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area. Torrential rains caused by Typhoon Fanapi has devastated southern Taiwan and led to shut down of major petrochemical complexes in the county.

All the factories in the county's Renwu and Dashe petrochemical parks, including CPC Corp. Taiwan, USI Corp., TSRC Corp., China Petrochemical Development Corp., China Man-Made Fiber Corp. and Grand Pacific Petrochemical Corp., were closed on Sunday. The power transmission system shut down automatically when floodwaters reached the warning levels at the Renwu-Dashe petrochemical complexes. Ten of the transmission lines would automatically connect with other power transmission systems, while the other ten lines will require help from the military to be restored. Even then the petrochemical makers will be unable to resume normal operations until completion of safety inspections. The industrial zones in Luchu, Gangshan and Ciaotou have also been flooded.

Petrochemical production levels are not expected to return to normal immediately because of power cuts and flooding. This has caused concerns about possible price fluctuations and the up- and mid-stream supply of petrochemicals.
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文章关键词: rain  Fanapi  Typhoon  shut down  Kaohsiung  petrochemical 


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