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VELCRO unveils Button Conversion Kit (USA)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-23 08:37:16  来源:Velcro USA Inc 收藏
For the more than 40 million Americans with arthritis or the growing population of seniors living with physical challenges that limit daily activity, simple tasks like buttoning a shirt can be a struggle. Now, the problem-solvers at Velcro USA Inc. have come up with an easy and innovative solution to assist with independent living: the VELCRO brand Button Conversion Kit.

The new system replaces the existing buttons on a garment with alternate buttons that are backed with an iron-on hook and loop closure, providing ease and convenience while maintaining the original look of the garment. There are no visible signs that the fasteners are anything but standard buttons.

The easy-to-fasten closures provide greater independence and enable individuals to simply convert and wear their own clothes, shop at their favorite stores and maintain their own sense of style – no need to limit clothing choices to pullover tops.

All that's required to complete the simple no-sew conversion of any garment is an iron.

• The original shirt buttons are removed and replaced with long-lasting VELCRO brand fasteners.
• The new buttons on the fasteners are inserted through the button holes on the shirt.
• A hot iron is used to fuse fastener to fabric for a permanent, washable bond.

Each Kit contains nine sets of closures, or enough for the front of a shirt and each of the cuffs. The button closures are available in black, pearl and tortoiseshell and come in both standard men's and women's shirt and blouse button sizes, providing easy closures with a truly buttoned-up look.

In addition to its Independent Living line, Velcro USA Inc. offers a complete line of hook and loop fastening options for a variety of consumer applications. From sewing to hardware, there's a VELCRO brand fastener to help get the job done faster and easier. There's also a comprehensive line of Specialty Straps for every conceivable purpose – for transporting, organizing and storing.
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