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Get ready for Fashion Access - ‘fashion from head to toe’ (Hong Kong)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-23 09:17:35  来源:Asia Pacific Leather Fair Ltd 收藏
If it’s a wide product selection and trend inspiration you need, then there is no place or event better than Fashion Access in Hong Kong, running 28 - 30 September, 2010.
The fair has a comprehensive product offer, operating under the banner, ‘fashion from head to toe’. The twice-a-year international fair showcases bags, footwear, leather goods, apparel, and a whole range of fashion and lifestyle accessories. Fashion features heavily, with display forecasts for forthcoming seasons for materials, colours, and finished products.

With about 350 exhibitors, from 22 countries and regions, there are plenty of choices. To date, 56 companies are confirmed to exhibit for the first time, so visitors are certain to see something new.

Since its inception Fashion Access has been supported largely by mid- to upper end ‘boutique’ buyers, and at every event there is a substantial number of buyers from larger chain stores, brand owners and department stores.

Whether its high-volume orders for trendy bags at sensible prices or more up-market choices from Italy and Spain, fashion footwear from Brazil or small leather goods tailored for the latest popular tech gadget - fashion buyers can source it at Fashion Access.

A new activity will be held on Day 2 of the fair: Fashion Access Forum will help exhibitors and buyers stay on top of key issues shaping the fashion world today; its 2010 programme offering practical information about business opportunities for footwear in China, marketing sustainable fashion and effective in-store retailing ideas.

Confirmed speakers include Dr. Reiner Hengstmann, PUMA’s Global Director of PumaSAFE supply chain, Mr. Peter Mangione, founder of Global Footwear Partnerships, who brings to the Forum over 30 years of experience in the footwear industry, and Dr. Valerie Wilson Trower, Asia Trend Director of trend forecasting company StyleSight.

Day 3 of the FASHION ACCESS schedule features a half-day workshop on sustainability lead by Mr. Derek Binns, founder and managing director of DBL Consulting. Entitled Sustainable and Fair Trade Textiles for Fast Fashion, the programme is designed for professionals who wish to obtain insight into recycling and Fair Trade issues, sustainable processes, compliance procedures and more. The workshop is hosted by Prime Source Forum - APLF’s definitive meeting place for the apparel industry held each March.

Fashion Access for spring-summer 2011 runs 28 - 30, September, 2010, at the Convention and Exhibition Centre, in Hong Kong’s commercial and business heartland.
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