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Meet China's Textile Suppliers on TexSources' Textile Fashion Journey

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-27 08:41:47  来源:PRNewswire Asia 收藏

TexSources is honored to invite global textiles buyers to embark on a Textile fashion journey from Oct. 21 to Oct. 25, 2010. The four stops are Shengze, Ningbo, Xiangshan and Keqiao, China. The journey includes participation in 3 large-scale trade fairs and a pleasant trip to Xiangshan. Participants will visit three textile industrial bases in one trip, efficiently meeting suppliers from well-known textile centers in China. Participating textile buyers are sure to find new and appropriate suppliers at very competitive prices.During the fashion journey, highly professional Chinese suppliers specializing in fabrics, apparel, home textiles, accessories, yarns and shoes will attend. And all professional textile buyers abroad holding passports from outside China Mainland, with professional credentials and full application materials are qualified and welcomed to attend the fashion journey. TexSources will consider it an honor to host buyers from around the world.

This fashion journey hosted by TexSources.com, has received active support of the Ningbo Government and Shengze Government. TexSources.com is the largest business-to-business online trading platform serving the global textile industry. For its online services, TexSources provides quotes and takes orders. Beyond that, each international Sourcing Fair hosted by TexSources provides the essential bridge between textile buyers abroad and suppliers in China. One past participant described the Sourcing Fair as follows, "It is really useful for us to find suppliers in China, thanks a lot for TexSources' great organization." The faith is and will be with TexSources to service for the buyers and suppliers of the whole world.

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