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What the well-heeled are wearing

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-28 08:29:03  来源:China Daily 收藏

"A girl is just as hot as the shoes she chooses", according to style and music icon Lady Gaga. Gan Tian shows off some heels that will raise the temperature.

What the well-heeled are wearing

MCS Marlboro Classics

Marlboro is known for casual classics for the cosmopolitan woman. This pair of leather boots is weathered, comfortable and just perfect with jeans and khakis.


What the well-heeled are wearing


T he My Ferragamo series recently launched by the Italian luxury brand features a delicious collection. My Charme highlights bright heels for those who love color, while My Wings are for the tech-savvy woman going for featherweight footwear made of high-tech materials. The red ballet pumps are from the My Slipper collection, combining comfort and style.

What the well-heeled are wearing


These snow boots, Arbonne Ski, are perfect for winter's snow and slush. Made of bonded leather, they are waterproof and warm, putting a spring in your step as freezing winter weather comes.


What the well-heeled are wearing


C harles Youssef, a student at London's Central St Martins College, created these shoes. Bally started a project in 2009, in which 15 students were tasked to submit designs for women's shoes. Five designs were selected and developed at Bally's workshop in Italy and Switzerland, including Youssef's.

The Bally shoes are available in Beijing's Shing Kong Place, while other brands can be found in most of the shopping malls in Beijing.

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