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SPINEXPO reinforces its corporate trade fair role

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-29 08:16:38  来源:SpinExpo 收藏
The 16th SPINEXPO Shanghai trade fair was held at the Shanghai Pudong Expo Centre on 7-8-9 September 2010, under scorching heat that the exhibition hall's air-conditioning system did not entirely manage to subdue!

The trade fair showcased the collections of 165 textile mills and textile fibre manufacturers/promoters and welcomed 7,975 visitors; a stable figure compared to previous years, albeit a number of visitors never previously achieved over a period of several days, due, in large part, to increased numbers of visitors coming from other continents. With 13,990 multi-visits (re-entries) compared to the 9,618 of the previous year, SPINEXPO reinforced its corporate trade fair role, ending on a note of general satisfaction - unexpected given the economic outlook and the general increase in the price of raw materials.

The percentage of visitors from outside China is increasing, representing 48% of the visitors. We can't fail to notice a significant increase in the number of visitors from Europe and South America, plus a steady increase in the number of visitors from the United States. The number of visitors from Japan remains stable - and this country appears to have survived its difficulties and regained its purchasing power.

The trend forum located at the trade fair entrance continues to improve with new ideas and - in addition to the developments in knitwear and weaving corresponding with the trade fair's four trend themes - a new area dedicated to circular knitting, created around inspiration drawn from active sports, illustrated selected regular exhibitors' yarns in a radically different way. This ''yarn-to-garment' project is the first of its kind to be showcased at a textile trade fair.

Two independent areas were dedicated to the work of two universities, the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong and Nottingham Trent University in the United Kingdom, in which the students freely interpreted the four trend directions. These two universities complemented their interpretations with two catwalk shows held in a tent situated outside the exhibition hall. The catwalk programme also showcased fashion directions from Lenzing (Hong Kong) and patterns created using the new technology by Santoni Italy in association with stylist Giovanni Cavagna.

A programme of seminars was held inside the exhibition hall, featuring a presentation of the trends and new creations from Australian Wool Innovation. Thai Acrylic and South Africa Mohair exhibited their latest fibre innovations, and StyleSight and WGSN enjoyed a full house for their Knitwear 2011 trends showcase.

During a press conference for journalists attending the trade fair, Michell1870 announced its partnership with Massimiliano Zegna Baruffa; it also announced their plans to enhance their line with a project aimed at establishing a veritable development structure that takes globalization and respect for the environment into account, whilst upholding the traditions that created their companies' reputation. The aim is to create a new brand combining the two groups' expertise and experience in the international textile market, thereby creating a new forum for solutions and ideas.

The next SPINEXPO Shanghai will take place from 8 to 10 March 2011 at the Shanghai Pudong Expo Centre, and will be followed by SPINEXPO New York, a two day show, on 19 and 20 July 2011.
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