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Dr Kristina Shin works in ‘The Crossover Phenomenon’

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-29 09:21:38  来源:The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 收藏
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)’s Institute of Textiles and Clothing is staging “The Crossover Phenomenon: A secret journey of underwear” Exhibition by lingerie design lecturer Dr Kristina Shin at the InnoCentre in Kowloon Tong from now until 27 September 2010.

The exhibition and installation put together by Dr Shin explores the fascinating area of crossover design possibilities in underwear by blending distinct design elements from outerwear in order to celebrate the ever changing nature of fashion. It presents sixteen crossover outfits together with a “virtual catwalk”.

Dr Shin is a faculty member of the Ace Style Institute of Intimate Apparel of ITC. She was educated in three countries (Korea, USA and the United Kingdom) and has accumulated over 12 years’ experience as designer and patternmaker in both the outerwear and underwear industries. Prior to joining PolyU, she worked as a designer for Triumph International Overseas Ltd. Dr Shin is also the author of Patternmaking for Underwear Design.

Established with strong industrial support in 2005, the Ace Style Institute of Intimate Apparel of ITC is the first lingerie institute in the Asia Pacific. Over the years, the Institute's research has reaped fruitful results and gained international reputation. Its graduates from the BA (Hons) programme in Intimate Apparel are well sought after by the industry.
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文章关键词: Dr Kristina Shin  The Crossover Phenomenon  PolyU 


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