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Fiberweb & Chisso form Non-Wovens JV, China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-09-30 08:44:32  来源:Fiberweb plc 收藏

The Consumer Fabrics Division of Fiberweb plc and the Fibers and Fabrics Division of Chisso Corporation of Japan announce the successful completion of their joint feasibility study in respect of a potential investment in a jointly-owned spunbond non-wovens manufacturing operation in China.

These two leading nonwovens companies first announced the joint feasibility study in December 2009 and extensive market and technical work since then has confirmed the attractiveness of the market for the cutting-edge products that the latest generation spunbond manufacturing technology can produce. The venture will focus on serving producers of disposable hygiene and personal care products and will benefit from the long-standing and close relationships both partners enjoy with leading customers in this rapidly-developing market.

Both Fiberweb and Chisso Corporation consider the personal hygiene market in China and in other Asian markets to be of strategic importance in the future development of their non-woven businesses. The next phase of this exciting project will be to finalise the JV structure and financing over the coming months.

Fiberweb plc (Fiberweb) is a leading international manufacturer of speciality nonwoven materials, with a total of sixteen plants operating in eight countries across Europe, North America and Asia. The Group comprises businesses supplying tailored solutions to Industrial and Hygiene nonwovens markets. The Industrial businesses focus on growing niche markets in filtration, speciality construction and agriculture, with technologically differentiated products and strong brands.

Chisso Corporation, founded in 1906, is a pioneer in the chemical industry. Through use of leading-edge technology, Chisso aims to contribute to society��s progress through advancement of technology and products which contribute both to everyday human life & industry as well as breakthrough technologies which will change tomorrow. Chisso aims to do all this through use of sustainable technology and responsible environmental stewardship.

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文章关键词: Fiberweb  Chisso  Nonwoven  China  investment 


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