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CCCT joins the International Apparel Federation (Hong Kong)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-08 08:12:14  来源:Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd 收藏
The Chairman of the China Chamber for import and export of Textiles Mr. Wang Shenyang and Mr. Vassilis Masselos, President of the International Apparel Federation signed an agreement on Tuesday October 5th in Hong Kong, that welcomed CCCT as a member association of the IAF. The signature ceremony took place before the opening of the 26th World Apparel Convention that is co-organised by the IAF and Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd concurrently with the Interstoff Asia Essential Autumn exhibition.

China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Textiles (CCCT), established in October 1988, is the leading national trade organization representing exporters and importers of textiles and clothing in China, with a membership of more than 10,000 companies. CCCT members, involved in the business of manufacturing, exporting and importing all kinds of textile fibers, yarns, fabrics, clothing, home textiles, industrial textiles and accessories, operate in 31 provinces and municipalities throughout the country.

CCCT members cover a majority of Chinese traders, manufacturers and foreign-funded businesses in the textile and clothing industry, representing more than 70% of China’s import and export trade in textile and clothing. The International Apparel Federation is a politically neutral global association, open to entrepreneurs and executives from the apparel chain worldwide.

Its membership includes national clothing associations and companies whose core business is sourcing, designing, development, manufacturing, distribution, and retailing of apparel products. In addition the IAF welcomes, as associate members, educational institutions and companies that supply textiles, accessories, equipment, technology, and services to the apparel industry. With CCCT as a member the IAF now represents, through its member associations in more than 40 countries, approximately 90% of the world’s clothing manufacturing countries and apparel markets.
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文章关键词: CCCT  International Apparel Federation  IAF 


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