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Dow Corning to exhibit textile innovations at Intertextile

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-08 08:33:46  来源:Dow Corning Corporation 收藏
Dow Corning Corporation will highlight its innovative silicone solutions for the textile industry, including Dow Corning brand Silicone Textile Printing Inks, DEFLEXION impact-protection technology and Dow Corning Easy Style 5-7288 Emulsion System at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics this October.

Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, a professional business platform for the apparel fabrics industry in Asia, will take place Oct. 19 through 22 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre in Shanghai, China.

At Booth W1D14/E17, the company will showcase Dow Corning brand Silicone Textile Printing Inks, which are which are durable, colorfast and suitable even for tough-to-print, high-performance sports apparel. Visitors will learn how the inks provide competitive advantages, including heat resistance, fast cure and easy pigmentation.

“The inks offer high elongation and a soft, non-tacky handle,” said Charlie Zimmer, Dow Corning Textile global marketing manager. “Additionally, the cost-effective inks provide optimal coverage and allow for a variety of unique special effects.”

With heightened consumer concern regarding environmental impact, Dow Corning Silicone Textile Printing Inks are an ideal solution because they contain no organotin, phthalate, formaldehyde, PVC or solvents.

Dow Corning also will feature its patent pending DEFLEXION1 impact-protection technology. Based on silicone technology, the DEFLEXION platforms are engineered for protective equipment and apparel in a flexible, breathable form.

As a performance textile and impact-absorbing material in one, DEFLEXION technology is designed to protect without the added bulk and stiffness of traditional padding. It can be cut and sewn directly into clothing, eliminating the need to insert uncomfortable padding.

“DEFLEXION from Dow Corning offers premium impact protection that is flexible, breathable and washable,” said Dr. Liz Mallen, Dow Corning Textile business development manager. “Overall, designers and consumers are getting far more choices. Unlike bulky, hard-armor systems, DEFLEXION provides silicone-based textile technologies that are very comfortable to wear in terms of fit, freedom of movement and temperature control.”

Visitors also will be introduced to Dow Corning Easy Style 5-7288 Emulsion System, which makes fine and casual garments feel richer, adds a paper-like touch and helps fabrics resist wrinkles.

“This system can help manufacturers produce easy-care fine fabrics and casual fabrics,” said Xu Rong, Dow Corning Textile North Asia Marketing Manager. “It is formaldehyde-free and does not affect garment strength or breathability.”
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