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Robin Anson to speak at IAF World Apparel (Hong Kong)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-08 08:44:07  来源:Interstoff Asia Essential 收藏
Robin Anson of Textiles Intelligence will be one of the speakers at the IAF World Apparel Convention in Hong Kong -- which runs parallel with Interstoff Asia Essential

Robin Anson, editorial director of the leading business information provider Textiles Intelligence, is one of the international industry experts who have been invited to host discussions focusing on this year's convention theme: "How retailer brands, internet and green manufacturing are transforming fashion business".

The 26th IAF World Apparel Convention is set to take place next month from October 6 -- 7, 2010 at the Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Centre, parallel to Interstoff Asia Essential Autumn.

At the press conference where the events were announced, Mr Stephan Buurma, managing director of Messe Frankfurt Asia Holding, highlighted the relevancy of placing the convention alongside the long-standing Interstoff Asia Essential trade fair.

"This collaboration offers the optimal setting for the next World Apparel Convention. The location alone is of great importance for the international textile industry. Hong Kong, the most effective gateway to Asia Pacific, is the perfect destination for apparel and textile industry. Hong Kong is a city of inspiration. It offers delegates a glimpse of the charming 21st century city, full of history but always with an eye on the future -- a unique mixture of eastern and western culture."

Further reinforcing the importance of this event is the support from the Textile Council of Hong Kong. Mr Willy Lin, chairman for the council, wrote in a statement that they "are proud to take part of this meaningful event in Hong Kong." Presently the council is comprised of eleven prominent textiles and clothing associations from Hong Kong, representing the bulk of the Hong Kong textile & clothing industry whose business activities encompass spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing and finishing, garment making and the manufacturing of textile goods globally.
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