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US Nonwovens Completes Phase II Expansion And Modernization

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-11 10:35:52  来源:Textile World 收藏
Brentwood, N.Y.-based U.S. Nonwovens Corp., a manufacturer of personal and home care products for retail and institutional markets, has concluded Phase II of its North American Capacity Expansion and Modernization Program -- a $32 million investment that included adding 500,000 square feet of manufacturing and distribution space; installing state-of-the-art fully automated blending, converting and robotic packaging lines and molds; and improving production of the nonwovens line at its Brentwood Mill location. According to the company, all upgrades include high-level control and automation systems.

"Our ability to satisfy customer demand across the retail and institutional markets, with the unforeseen 3X surge for disinfecting products as a result of last year's H1N1 Swine Flu outbreak is a testament to our commitment of having Open Surge Capacity available for our customers," said Robert Stein, director of corporate communications, U.S. Nonwovens.

The company reports that Phase III of the program has already begun, and upon completion will provide increased annual capacity as well as skill sets to meet future customer demand along with unpredictable surges in demand.
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