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EcoChic celebrates Asia’s contribution to sustainable fashion design (Hong Kong)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-12 08:11:02  来源:EcoChic Asia fashion show 收藏
EcoChic Asia fashion show, presented by Green2greener, took place on 6th October to an audience of over 200 renowned fashion industry guests from Interstoff Asia Essential trade fair and the IAF World Apparel Convention to celebrate Asia’s contribution to sustainable fashion design.

Twenty nine designers from 14 countries, including India’s Manish Arora, Turkey’s Bora Aksu, Hong Kong’s Johanna Ho and niin, China’s Stella Chen and Mary Ma and Japan’s Suzuki Takayuki shared the runway displaying a range of eco and ethical ready to wear and eco-couture designs.

Some garments were made using eco-textiles, such as organic cotton, bamboo, hemp or pineapple, others were produced under fair working conditions and some garments were made using artisanal techniques.

Dr Christina Dean, Founder of Green2greener and EcoChic, said: “EcoChic Asia delivered a strong message that Asia is responding to environmental and social concerns in the fashion industry’.

Hong Kong fashion designer, Johanna Ho said: "As a fashion designer, I believe that fashion can be more than about looking and feeling good - that doing good can be part of the equation too. I hope to use my designs to show that beautiful fashion pieces and sustainability can come hand in hand."

The shift towards more sustainable design and manufacturing is urgently needed. Currently, the fashion industry is second only to agriculture in terms of the consumption of water worldwide while the production of cotton alone is responsible for the use of 25 percent of the world’s pesticide use. China’s the textile industry is one of China’s largest polluting sectors and according to the World Bank China is now home to 16 of the world's 20 most polluted cities.
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