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China has become main target of trade protectionism in the world

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-12 10:36:27  来源:ChianTexnet 收藏
At the opening ceremony of the "2010 World Export and Development Forum", recently held in Chongqing, Vice Minister of Commerce Yi Xiaozhun said, China has become the main target of trade protectionism in the world, some countries conduct trade protection by adopting the so-called "carbon tariff" under the banner of coping with climate change.

Currently world trade protectionism is on the rise. In 2009,the number of non-tariff measures informed by WTO members increased to 1,489 from 1272 in 2008, an increase of 17 percent, Yi Xiaozhun said at the forum.

Yi Xiaozhun released a set of data: In 2009, China's exports accounted for 9.6 percent of world exports, but China encountered 40 percent of world anti-dumping cases, 75 percent of world anti-subsidy cases, the number of trade investigations experienced by China accounted for 43 percent of global cases over the same period. China has become the main target of trade protectionism in the world.

Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi Secretary-General of UNCTAD said in his report "2010 Trade and Development Report" on 10 September, "Indeed, China has become a target of trade protectionism, some emerging economies have started to solve this problem by taking some measures in different ways."
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