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International Apparel Federation has new President (Hong Kong)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-13 08:57:03  来源:International Apparel Federation 收藏
During the 26th International Apparel Federation in Hongkong, Harry van Dalfsen (The Netherlands) took over the presidency of Vassillis Masselos (Greece), who was rewarded with the First Golden IAF Award (Oct 6th).

Under the leadership of Masselos, bridges were built, said Van Dalfsen at his entrance speech. ‘We can cross those bridges now, in order to achieve new goals. Which is strengthening the IAF by bringing more value added for our members, but also by drawing new members in the textile and apparel chain.

Next to that, we will offer more services in the future, like market information, trade politics and credit management. The IAF must become the place to be for apparel manufacturers, their associations and the supporting industry. I will personally devote myself to attracting new members, which will strengthen the IAF in different ways’.

Van Dalfsen took immediate action and made arrangements with the education-, global responsibility-, technical and cultural IAF committees. Van Dalfsen: ‘Special working groups will be engaged in topics that are high on the agenda of our members. For example, standardization of worldwide regulations within the apparel industry, as well as cooperation with schools, so that education increasingly meets the demand of the industry’.

The brand-new President will also look for chances in cooperating with the textile and footwear industry. ‘Therefore, I can use my knowledge as a former President of the Dutch textile association MODINT. Mergers there led to a much more powerful and efficient organization’. The first reactions on Van Dalfsen’s presidency at the convention were enthusiastic.

During his farewell speech, Vassillis Masselos expressed his gratitude to the whole ‘IAF family’, and secretary general Han Bekke in particular. Bekke is active for the IAF since its founding in 1976. Masselos: ‘Together, we have worked hard to build the IAF to what it is now. I am very proud of that. As member of the Executive Board, I will keep doing my utmost for the apparel industry’.

The IAF is a worldwide knowledge network with members in more than 40 countries, that collects and disseminates information, statistical, benchmarking and otherwise, on developments in apparel design, manufacturing, distribution, sourcing, trade and technology.
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