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Product offer at Fashion Access receive positive reviews (Hong Kong)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-14 08:27:54  来源:Asia Pacific Leather Fair Ltd 收藏

Fashion Access, the twice-a-year fashion and lifestyle exhibition offering ‘Fashion from head to toe’, meets precisely the needs of fashion accessories buyers. This was notable on the fairgrounds of its most recent event that took place 28 -30 September in Hong Kong, where buyers were actively sourcing spring-summer 2011 collections for bags, shoes, small leather goods, travelware, fashion accessories and lifestyle items.

The fair attracted strong participation from buyers around the world. Visitors from Australia, China, Canada, the Philippines, Singapore, Spain and Russia grew by more than ten percent compared to the previous year and almost sixty percent of the total attendees were from overseas.

This is testament that even in times of economic uncertainty, there is always a market for good quality products offering distinctive styles and value-for-money. Take buyer Audrey Labbe from the French fashion company, Groupe Beaumanoir - which operates 5 brands in 40 countries and manages 1800 points of sales. “I always source at Fashion Access. Products on offer are very fashionable, good-quality, and price competitive,” said Labbe, who is based in the company’s China office.

Even judged by discerning Japanese standards, the product offer at Fashion Access received positive reviews. Tomoyuki Shimoyama, of Culture Goods Co., Japan, said: “I get to see many exciting and unique products at Fashion Access. Attending this fair is the best and easiest way to meet new, quality suppliers.”

Meanwhile returning buyer Ryotaro Ezaki from Nano Universe, the popular and trend-setting retailers from Japan, exclaimed: "The quality of the products is outstanding, probably even better than what I have seen at European fairs.”

A similar sentiment came from Kathleen McHugh from Rowallan of Scotland, USA, who "found more products [at Fashion Access] than at the trade fairs in Milan."

The broad range of exhibits on show provided a ‘one-stop-shop’ for many buyers, as noted by Lucie Trinco, a visitor from Iltutto, Australia. “Fashion Access makes my life so much easier. I can browse many product categories and the fair is a great opportunity for me to meet suppliers in person and engage in detailed discussions.”

Inspite of the fair’s diversification, the continued demand for fashion bags from end-consumers is reflected in Fashion Access’ breadth of bag styles, colours, shapes and textures – ideal for those with more focused needs. Buyer Akanksun Suarma of Li & Fung, one of Hong Kong’s biggest and best established apparel trading businesses, declared: “Fashion Access offers a strong focus on bag collections compared with other fairs.”

Both buyers and suppliers alike expressed their appreciation of the strengths of Fashion Access. Exhibitor Ravi Kapoor of Kapoor Industries, India, said he met many international buyers “whose focus is on the quality and design of our small leather goods and bags”.

The core exhibitors, many having mastered the discipline of OEM for big name brands, are now introducing their own brands (ODM) aimed at consumers in emerging markets. One such was Sally Chang, of Gaya, Canada, who said, “Fashion Access is the ‘must-participate’ trade fair for us every year. It helps us reach the Asian markets.”

But even for exhibitors targeting a broader market, Fashion Access delivered. Exhibitor Juan M Rico from Spain, who showcased the premium bag brand Pepe Moli, was satisfied to have “received a lot of enquiries and interest from international buyers.”

Concurred Raphael Cesarano, of Gasond Asia, a Hong Kong company: “I have received many sample orders at Fashion Access from all over the world including Europe, Japan, Australia & New Zealand. The results from the fair exceed my expectations.”

The forthcoming Fashion Access, showcasing fall-winter 2012 collections for head-to-toe fashion, will take place 30 March to 01 April 2011, in Hong Kong.

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