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Cinte Techtextil opens next week with 310 exhibitors

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-14 08:43:32  来源:by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd 收藏
Cinte Techtextil China, a specialised biennial trade exhibition for technical textiles and nonwovens, will run from 19 – 21 October 2010 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. Exhibiting at the fair will be 319 suppliers from 21 countries and regions in a trade space of 12,000 sqm. Reflecting the growth of this developing sector of the textile industry in China, the number of exhibitors has increased 6% from 2008.

Visitors to this unique event in China will find products and services in 12 important application areas: Agrotech, Buildtech, Clothtech, Geotech, Hometech, Indutech, Medtech, Mobiltech, Oekotech, Packtech, Protech and Sporttech.

Moreover, suppliers from the major technical textile and nonwoven producing countries and regions will be organised under special pavilions from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Taiwan. There will also be new pavilions from Canada and Portugal. All these pavilions will showcase the latest technological innovations made by some of the biggest names in the industry.

Special highlights include: Bekintex NV, a quality manufacturer of textile machinery from Belgium; Stedfast Inc, a leading developer of barrier textiles for the military from Canada and NSC Nonwoven, a world-class producer of packaging products and nonwovens from France.

Other renowned brands exhibiting at the show include: J Zimmer Maschinenbau and Lenzing from Austria, Sandler and Oerlikon Sauer from Germany, Kordsa Global from Turkey and Technical Absorbents from the UK.

Quality fringe programme delivers latest market news and industry trends

An informative fringe programme aimed at the different sectors of the technical textile and nonwoven industry will be held on the second day of the show. The International Industrial Textiles Symposium will deliver important insights into the development and innovation of packaging textiles and the application of functional finishing technology in industrial textiles.

Speaking at this event will be representatives from: the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA), the Paper Packaging Committee of the China Packaging Federation, the China Packaging Educational Committee, the China Textile Academy, Technical Absorbents Ltd, and CITEVE Textile Technology Centre from Portugal. Topic highlights include:

• Current Situation and Trend of Industrial Textile in China
• Current Situation and Trend of Packaging Industry in China
• Application of Industrial Textiles in Packaging Industry
• Absorbent Media for Food Packaging
• Application of Functional Fibres in Industrial Textiles
• Application of Functional Textile Agents in Industrial Textiles
• Combined Technology and Application of Nonwovens
• Technology, Fashion Function, Beyond Imagination

In addition, some of the brands exhibiting in the fair will also deliver product presentations during the International Industrial Textiles Seminar on the first day.

Cinte Techtextil China 2010 is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA).
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文章关键词: Cinte Techtextil  technical textile  nonwoven  Shanghai 


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