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China's bilateral trade with EU up 34.4 percent on year

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-15 08:18:23  来源:chh 收藏
China’s bilateral trade with the EU reached US $349.49 billion in the first 3 quarters of this year, accounted for 16.3 percent of China's total import and export, according to the latest report from the customs.

In the same time, Sino-US trade amounted to US $278.54 billion, an increase of 31.5 percent year on year.

In the first 3 quarters, China's bilateral trade with Japan amounted to US $214.46 billion, up 32.2 percent year on year. Of which, China’s exports to Japan were US $86.51 billion, up 24.1 percent year on year; China’s imports from Japan were US $127.95 billion, up 38.4 percent year on year, realizing a trade deficit of US $41.44 billion in trade with Japan, an increase of 82.2 percent year on year.

Meanwhile, bilateral trade between China and ASEAN totaled US $211.31 billion, an increase of 43.7 percent. Of which, China’s exports to the ASEAN were US $99.53 billion, up 36.2 percent year on year; China’s imports from ASEAN were US $111.78 billion, up 51.1 percent year on year; creating a trade deficit of US $12.25 billion in trade with ASEAN, while the deficit was only US $900 million over the same period in 2009.
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文章关键词: bilateral trade  EU  China 


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