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IBAC 40 Brands Seeking for Distributors

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-18 10:06:37  来源: 收藏

Dalian International Brands Agency Center (IBAC) took its 40 brands from Italy and Spain into 2010 China (Dalian) International Garment & Textile Fair (CIGF). During the exhibition, a variety of activities, including Overseas Brand Fashion Shows, IBAC Annual Meeting of Global Partners, International Cooperation Brand Forum, and on-site Match-making attracted a large number of sales agents and department store representatives.

IBAC's exhibition area reached 2,500 square meters, a record high in history. IBAC displayed its brands through real counters and a collection of multi-brand stores in this show, exhibiting a rich category covering men's, women's, children's wear, casual wear, footwear, accessories and home textiles products. With its professional research, careful choices and pre-negotiations, IBAC chose the suitable brands for Chinese market. This also meet the different requirements of different levels of agents around the country. IBAC took brands including GOLD CASE, FUTURA & OKY COKY, ACQUA ROSAE, PEDRO NOVO, EUROPEAN CULTURE, JOTA+GE, LAGA and ROSALITA MCGEE into this trade fair, and held two fashion shows every day. The on-site match-making was held in order to facilitate the agents meeting brand owners directly. After this four-day event, IBAC received hundreds of customers. Through negotiations, 30 of them showed strong intention to be distributors. Some of them would participate into IBAC sourcing delegation to visit Italy and Spain in September.

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