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Taiwan to expand textile market share in China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-19 09:37:28  来源:Focus Taiwan 收藏
Taiwan's textile companies will capitalize on their new technologies and a trade pact with China to expand their market share in China before their South Korean rivals get similar tariff-cut treatment from China, a local textile association official said Thursday.

Justin Huang, secretary-general of the Taiwan Textile Federation, said at the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) International Seminar in Taipei that many Taiwanese participants featured their "functional" textile products at the Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show taking place Oct. 13-15.

Taiwan is way ahead of China in making products that are ultraviolet-resistant, electrostatic-resistant or anti-bacterial, he said in an interview with CNA on the sidelines of the forum.

These products, coupled with the tariff-free treatment, will boost Taiwan's business opportunities in China, he said.

Under the economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) that took effect earlier this year, 136 textile items exported from Taiwan to China will enjoy first-wave tariff reduction or tariff elimination from the start of next year.

Huang noted that South Korea has yet to receive similar treatment from China, a situation that favors Taiwan.

"As South Korea does not yet get duty-free treatment, Taiwan can take this opportunity to extend its market share in China, " he said.

Earlier at the forum, Vice Economic Affairs Minister Francis Liang said in his opening remarks that Taiwan's textile industry today is still "vital and active."

"It used to be called a traditional industry. But now it's a very modern, high- tech-oriented industry utilizing cutting-edge materials and technologies," he said.

To demonstrate the results of Taiwan's research and development in the field at the trade show, the Taiwan Textile Research Institute showcased a new water-repelling cloth treated with an environmentally friendly coating.

The institute also featured a "textile garden" at the the show, in which plants were growing on a textile material.
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文章关键词: Taiwan  textile market  China 


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