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Macao's largest trade fair attracts 18% more exhibitors

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-21 09:29:54  来源:Xinhua 收藏

A total of 760 exhibitors are participating in this week's 15th Macao International Trade and Investment Fair (MIF), an increase of 18 percent over last year, the Macao Post Daily reported on Wednesday. The four-day fair, which kicks off tomorrow at the Venetian in Cotai Island of Macao, will feature 1,400 booths on 30,000 square meters of floor space, according to the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) that organizes the annual event.

Macao Post Daily quoted Cheong Chou Weng, President of IPIM, as saying that the fair has many firsts this year, such as that it will be the first time that Beijing will join the fair with its very own pavilion, the first time that a special pavilion will focus on the development of Hengqin Island, and the first time that a pavilion will be dedicated to Macao's cultural and creative industry.

Cheong, who made the remark in a press conference Tuesday regarding arrangements of the fair, also said that he expected 60, 000 people to visit the fair.

The fair's first day is restricted to professional visitors. The remaining three days are open to members of the general public.

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