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Kumho Petrochemical goes green with products

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-22 09:46:59  来源:Korea Times 收藏

Kumho Petrochemical announced that it has launched eco-friendly window frames made of materials that are used for kitchen appliances and children's toys such as Lego bricks.

The window frames are made of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene that touts low conductivity, high durability and high fire resistance, the petrochemical firm says. They are part of Kumho's Hugreen brand, a comprehensive lineup of eco-friendly construction materials

Kumho said the window frames also discharge less dioxins if they catch on fire and do not release endocrine disrupters better known as environmental hormones.

Launching the products, Kumho Petrochemical said that not many consumers are aware that window frames can release chemical substances causing sick building syndrome. Because its products do not contain heavy metals, they should be safe, the firm reiterated.

"With the production of the ABS window frames as the starting point, Kumho's Hugreen will lead the eco-friendly lifestyle and keep expanding our lineup of premium green construction materials," Kumho announced.

The ABS window frames are available in many colors―not just the conventional white for plastic frames.

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