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Clariant unveils New Greater China headquarters

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-26 08:26:50  来源:Clariant 收藏
Swiss specialty chemicals company Clariant continues to strengthen its presence in Greater China with the official opening of its new Greater China headquarters in Shanghai, October 20, 2010. The new facility also includes a new technical application center for pigments.

Clariant further announced the start-up of its new Quinacridon pigment joint venture in Hangzhou. Additionally, in September 2009, Clariant had launched its new multi-purpose-plant (MPP) in Zhenjiang. A new ethoxylation facility in Dayabay, the industrial hub in Southern China is currently under construction. Its opening is scheduled for mid 2011.

• New Greater China Headquarters Unveiled in Shanghai
• New Pigment Joint Venture to Open in Hangzhou
• Clariant CEO Kottmann: Up to 30 % Sales Increase in China

By this date Clariant will have invested approximately 150 million Swiss francs (CHF) over the last two and a half years. In 2010 Greater China will gain a share of around eight per cent of the worldwide Clariant business. Today Clariant employs up to 1.300 people in Greater China and is represented in 13 cities with a total of 21 locations.

“Setting up the new Greater China headquarters and the new production site in Hangzhou reflects Clariant`s confidence in the stability and growth of the Chinese economy. And, with a sales increase of about 30 per cent in 2010, China is one of the fastest growing markets for Clariant”, comments Dr. Hariolf Kottmann, Clariant`s Chief Executive Officer.

Clariant is a global leader in the field of specialty chemicals. Strong business relationships, commitment to outstanding service and wide-ranging application know-how make Clariant a preferred partner for its customers.
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